Source code for selinon.builtin_predicate

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ######################################################################
# Copyright (C) 2016-2018  Fridolin Pokorny,
# This file is part of Selinon project.
# ######################################################################
"""Built-in predicates used as core building blocks to build predicates."""

import abc
import ast
from functools import reduce

from .errors import ConfigurationError
from .predicate import Predicate

[docs]class BuiltinPredicate(Predicate, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): # pylint: disable=abstract-method """Build in predicate abstract class."""
[docs]class NaryPredicate(BuiltinPredicate, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): # pylint: disable=abstract-method """N-ary predicate abstract class.""" def __init__(self, children): """Instantiate N-ary predicate. :param children: children (predicates) of this predicate """ super().__init__() self._children = children def _str(self, operator): """Create a string representation of this predicate. :param operator: boolean operator that should be used for concatenating child predicates :return: string representation (Python code) :rtype: str """ ret = "" for child in self._children: if ret: ret += " %s " % operator ret += str(child) if len(self._children) > 1: ret = "(" + ret + ")" return ret @staticmethod def _create(tree, cls, nodes_from, flow, can_inspect_results): """Instantiate N-ary predicate class. :param tree: node from which should be predicate instantiated :type tree: List :param cls: class of type NaryPredicate :param nodes_from: nodes that are used in described edge :param flow: flow to which predicate belongs to :type flow: Flow :param can_inspect_results: True if predicates in the condition can query task result :type can_inspect_results: bool :return: instance of cls """ if not isinstance(tree, list): raise ConfigurationError("Nary logical operators expect list of children") children = [] for child in tree: children.append(Predicate.construct(child, nodes_from, flow, can_inspect_results)) return cls(children)
[docs] def predicates_used(self): """Compute predicates that are used (transitively). :return: used predicates by children """ return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y.predicates_used(), self._children, [])
[docs] def nodes_used(self): """Compute nodes that are used (transitively). :return: list of nodes that are used :rtype: List[Node] """ return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y.nodes_used(), self._children, [])
[docs] def check(self): """Check predicate for consistency.""" for child in self._children: child.check()
[docs] def requires_message(self): """Check whether any of child predicates requires results of nodes. :return: True if any of the children require results of parent task """ return any(child.requires_message() for child in self._children)
[docs]class UnaryPredicate(BuiltinPredicate, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): # pylint: disable=abstract-method """Unary predicate abstract class.""" def __init__(self, child): """Instantiate unary predicate. :param child: child (predicate) of this predicate """ super().__init__() self._child = child @staticmethod def _create(tree, cls, nodes_from, flow, can_inspect_results): """Instantiate N-ary predicate class. :param tree: node from which should be predicate instantiated :type tree: List :param cls: class of type NaryPredicate :param nodes_from: nodes that are used in described edge :param flow: flow to which predicate belongs to :param can_inspect_results: True if predicates in the condition can query task result :type can_inspect_results: bool :return: instance of cls """ if isinstance(tree, list): raise ConfigurationError("Unary logical operators expect one child") return cls(Predicate.construct(tree, nodes_from, flow, can_inspect_results))
[docs] def predicates_used(self): """Compute all predicates that are used (transitively) by child/children. :return: used predicates by children """ return self._child.predicates_used()
[docs] def nodes_used(self): """Compute all nodes that are used (transitively) by child/children. :return: list of nodes that are used :rtype: List[Node] """ return self._child.nodes_used()
[docs] def check(self): """Check predicate for consistency.""" self._child.check()
[docs] def requires_message(self): """Check whether any of child predicate(s) requires results of nodes (transitively). :return: True if the child requires results of parent task """ return self._child.requires_message()
[docs]class AndPredicate(NaryPredicate): """And predicate representation.""" def __str__(self): """Create a string representation of this predicate. :return: string representation (Python code) :rtype: str """ return "(" + reduce(lambda x, y: str(x) + ' and ' + str(y), self._children) + ")"
[docs] def ast(self): """Python AST of this predicate (construct transitively for all indirect children as well). :return: AST of describing all children predicates """ return ast.BoolOp(ast.And(), [ast.Expr(value=x.ast()) for x in self._children])
[docs] @staticmethod def create(tree, nodes_from, flow, can_inspect_results): """Create And predicate. :param tree: node from which should be predicate instantiated :type tree: List :param nodes_from: nodes that are used in described edge :param flow: flow to which predicate belongs to :type flow: Flow :param can_inspect_results: True if predicates in the condition can query task result :type can_inspect_results: bool :return: instance of cls """ return NaryPredicate._create(tree, AndPredicate, nodes_from, flow, can_inspect_results)
[docs]class OrPredicate(NaryPredicate): """And predicate representation.""" def __str__(self): """Create a string representation of this predicate. :return: string representation (Python code) :rtype: str """ return "(" + reduce(lambda x, y: str(x) + ' or ' + str(y), self._children) + ")"
[docs] def ast(self): """Python AST of this predicate (construct transitively for all indirect children as well). :return: AST of describing all children predicates """ return ast.BoolOp(ast.Or(), [ast.Expr(value=x.ast()) for x in self._children])
[docs] @staticmethod def create(tree, nodes_from, flow, can_inspect_results): """Create Or predicate. :param tree: node from which should be predicate instantiated :type tree: List :param nodes_from: nodes that are used in described edge :param flow: flow to which predicate belongs to :type flow: Flow :param can_inspect_results: True if predicates in the condition can query task result :type can_inspect_results: bool :return: instance of cls """ return NaryPredicate._create(tree, OrPredicate, nodes_from, flow, can_inspect_results)
[docs]class NotPredicate(UnaryPredicate): """Unary or predicate representation.""" def __str__(self): """Create a string representation of this predicate. :return: string representation (Python code) :rtype: str """ return "(not %s)" % str(self._child)
[docs] def ast(self): """Python AST of this predicate (construct transitively for all indirect children as well). :return: AST of describing all children predicates """ return ast.UnaryOp(ast.Not(), ast.Expr(value=self._child.ast()))
[docs] @staticmethod def create(tree, nodes_from, flow, can_inspect_results): """Create Or predicate. :param tree: node from which should be predicate instantiated :type tree: List :param nodes_from: nodes that are used in described edge :param flow: flow to which predicate belongs to :type flow: Flow :param can_inspect_results: True if predicates in the condition can query task result :type can_inspect_results: bool :return: instance of cls """ return UnaryPredicate._create(tree, NotPredicate, nodes_from, flow, can_inspect_results)
[docs]class AlwaysTruePredicate(BuiltinPredicate): """Predicate used if condition in config file is omitted.""" def __init__(self, flow): """Instantiate predicate that holds always True. :param flow: flow for which this predicate is used """ super().__init__() self.flow = flow def __str__(self): """Create string representation of this predicate. :return: string representation (Python code) :rtype: str """ return "True"
[docs] def predicates_used(self): # noqa return []
[docs] def nodes_used(self): # noqa return []
[docs] def check(self): # noqa """Check predicate for consistency."""
[docs] def ast(self): """Python AST of this predicate (construct transitively for all indirect children as well). :return: AST of describing all children predicates """ # We should return: # return ast.NameConstant(value=True) # but it does not work with codegen return ast.Name(id='True', ctx=ast.Load())
[docs] @staticmethod def create(tree, nodes_from, flow, can_inspect_results): # noqa return AlwaysTruePredicate(flow)
[docs] def requires_message(self): # noqa return False