Source code for selinon.config

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ######################################################################
# Copyright (C) 2016-2018  Fridolin Pokorny,
# This file is part of Selinon project.
# ######################################################################
"""All user configurations generated from YAML file."""

import io
import logging
import os
import runpy
import tempfile

import celery

from .errors import ConfigNotInitializedError
from .errors import ConfigurationError
from .errors import UnknownStorageError
from .errors import UnsupportedCeleryError
from .system import System
from .trace import Trace

[docs]def requires_initialization(func): """Check that method that requires config can access initialized configuration.""" def wrapper(class_, *args, **kwargs): """Wrap call for checking initialization.""" if not class_.initialized: raise ConfigNotInitializedError("Selinon not initialized, cannot access configuration attributes") return func(class_, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]class Config: """All user configurations generated from YAML file.""" _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) celery_app = None flows = {} task_classes = {} edge_table = {} nowait_nodes = {} eager_failures = None max_retry = None retry_countdown = None storage2storage_cache = {} storage_readonly = {} storage_task_name = {} propagate_node_args = {} propagate_parent = {} propagate_finished = {} propagate_compound_finished = {} output_schemas = None async_result_cache = {} migration_dir = None storage_mapping = {} task2storage_mapping = {} dispatcher_queues = {} task_queues = {} strategies = {} # Called from generated python code to mark that the configuration was correctly set up initialized = False @classmethod def _set_config(cls, config_module): """Set configuration from Python's module. :param config_module: config module to be used for attributes assignment """ cls.task_classes = config_module['task_classes'] cls.edge_table = config_module['edge_table'] cls.failures = config_module['failures'] cls.nowait_nodes = config_module['nowait_nodes'] cls.eager_failures = config_module['eager_failures'] cls.flows = list(cls.edge_table.keys()) # misc cls.node_args_from_first = config_module['node_args_from_first'] cls.async_result_cache = config_module['async_result_cache'] # propagate_* entries cls.propagate_finished = config_module['propagate_finished'] cls.propagate_node_args = config_module['propagate_node_args'] cls.propagate_parent = config_module['propagate_parent'] cls.propagate_compound_finished = config_module['propagate_compound_finished'] # task configuration cls.output_schemas = config_module['output_schemas'] cls.storage_mapping = config_module['storage2instance_mapping'] cls.storage_task_name = config_module['storage_task_name'] cls.task2storage_mapping = config_module['task2storage_mapping'] cls.max_retry = config_module['max_retry'] cls.retry_countdown = config_module['retry_countdown'] cls.storage_readonly = config_module['storage_readonly'] cls.storage2storage_cache = config_module['storage2storage_cache'] # throttle configuration cls.throttle_tasks = config_module['throttle_tasks'] cls.throttle_flows = config_module['throttle_flows'] # queues cls.dispatcher_queues = config_module['dispatcher_queues'] cls.task_queues = config_module['task_queues'] # Dispatcher scheduling strategy cls.strategies = config_module['strategies'] # Selective task configuration cls.selective_run_task = config_module['selective_run_task'] # Configuration migrations cls.migration_dir = config_module['migration_dir'] # call config init with Config class to set up other configuration specific values config_module['init'](cls)
[docs] @classmethod def set_config_py(cls, config_code): """Set dispatcher configuration by Python config file. :param config_code: configuration source code """ cls._logger.debug("Using file from '%s'", config_code) config_module = runpy.run_path(config_code) cls._set_config(config_module)
[docs] @classmethod def set_config_yaml(cls, nodes_definition_file, flow_definition_files, config_py=None, keep_config_py=False): """Set dispatcher configuration by path to YAML configuration files. :param nodes_definition_file: definition of system nodes - YAML configuration :param flow_definition_files: list of flow definition files :param config_py: a file that should be used for storing generated :param keep_config_py: do not remove config_py file after run """ system = System.from_files(nodes_definition_file, flow_definition_files) if not config_py: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=False) as tmp_f: cls._logger.debug("Generating file to created temporary file '%s'", system.dump2stream(tmp_f) config_py = else: cls._logger.debug("Generating file to proposed file '%s'", config_py) with open(config_py, "w") as output_f: system.dump2stream(output_f) cls.set_config_py(config_py) if not keep_config_py: cls._logger.debug("Removing generated file '%s'", config_py) os.unlink(config_py)
[docs] @classmethod def set_config_dict(cls, nodes_definition, flow_definitions): """Set configuration using dictionaries, no files are written to filesystem. :param nodes_definition: definition of nodes in the system :type nodes_definition: dict :param flow_definitions: a list with flow defintions :type flow_definitions: list """ system = System.from_dict(nodes_definition, flow_definitions) dump = io.StringIO() system.dump2stream(dump) conf = {} # Ignore B102 exec(dump.getvalue(), conf) # pylint: disable=exec-used cls._set_config(conf)
[docs] @classmethod def trace_by_func(cls, trace_func): """Set tracing function for Dispatcher. :param trace_func: a function that should be used to trace dispatcher actions """ Trace.trace_by_func(trace_func)
[docs] @classmethod def trace_by_logging(cls): """Use Python's logging for tracing.""" Trace.trace_by_logging()
[docs] @classmethod def trace_by_sentry(cls, dsn=None): """Use Sentry for tracing. :param dsn: DSN for sentry to be used (uses env variables if omitted, see Sentry docs) """ Trace.trace_by_sentry(dsn)
[docs] @classmethod def trace_by_json(cls): """Trace directly JSON output.""" Trace.trace_by_json()
[docs] @classmethod def set_celery_app(cls, celery_app): """Set celery application that should be used. :param celery_app: celery app instance """ # Avoid circular imports from .dispatcher import Dispatcher from .task_envelope import SelinonTaskEnvelope cls._logger.debug("Registering Selinon to Celery context") cls.celery_app = celery_app celery_major_version = int(celery.__version__.split(".", maxsplit=1)[0]) if celery_major_version == 4: celery_app.tasks.register(Dispatcher()) celery_app.tasks.register(SelinonTaskEnvelope()) elif celery_major_version == 5: celery_app.register_task(Dispatcher()) celery_app.register_task(SelinonTaskEnvelope()) else: raise UnsupportedCeleryError( "Unsupported Celery version {}, supported are celery>=4,<6".format(celery.__version__) )
[docs] @classmethod def init(cls, celery_app, nodes_definition_file, flow_definition_files, config_py=None, keep_config_py=False): """Initialize Selinon configuration with Celery application. :param celery_app: celery application to be used :param nodes_definition_file: definition of system nodes - YAML configuration :param flow_definition_files: list of flow definition files :param config_py: a file that should be used for storing generated :param keep_config_py: do not remove config_py file after run """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments cls.set_config_yaml(nodes_definition_file, flow_definition_files, config_py, keep_config_py) cls.set_celery_app(celery_app)
@staticmethod def _should_config(node_name, dst_node_name, configuration): """Syntax sugar for configuration entries that accept lists/booleans. :param node_name: node name :param dst_node_name: destination node to which configuration should be propagated :param configuration: configuration that should be checked :return: true if node_name satisfies configuration """ if configuration[node_name] is True: return True if isinstance(configuration[node_name], list): return dst_node_name in configuration[node_name] return False
[docs] @classmethod @requires_initialization def should_propagate_finished(cls, node_name, dst_node_name): """Check whether finished nodes should be propagated. :param node_name: node name that should be checked for propagate_finished :param dst_node_name: destination node to which configuration should be propagated :return: True if should propagate_finish """ return cls._should_config(node_name, dst_node_name, cls.propagate_finished)
[docs] @classmethod @requires_initialization def should_propagate_node_args(cls, node_name, dst_node_name): """Check whether node arguments should be propagated. :param node_name: node name that should be checked for propagate_node_args :param dst_node_name: destination node to which configuration should be propagated :return: True if should propagate_node_args """ return cls._should_config(node_name, dst_node_name, cls.propagate_node_args)
[docs] @classmethod @requires_initialization def should_propagate_parent(cls, node_name, dst_node_name): """Check whether parents be propagated. :param node_name: node name that should be checked for propagate_parent :param dst_node_name: destination node to which configuration should be propagated :return: True if should propagate_parent """ return cls._should_config(node_name, dst_node_name, cls.propagate_parent)
[docs] @classmethod @requires_initialization def should_propagate_compound_finished(cls, node_name, dst_node_name): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Check whether finished should be propagated (compound/flattered mode). :param node_name: node name that should be checked for propagate_compound_finished :param dst_node_name: destination node to which configuration should be propagated :return: True if should propagate_compound_finished """ return cls._should_config(node_name, dst_node_name, cls.propagate_compound_finished)
[docs] @classmethod @requires_initialization def get_task_instance(cls, task_name, flow_name, parent, task_id, dispatcher_id): """Get instance of SelinonTask. :param task_name: task name that should be instantiated (it is not necessarily SelinonTask) :param flow_name: flow name :param parent: parent nodes for instance :param task_id: id of the task :param dispatcher_id: id of dispatcher for flow flow :return: instance of the task """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments task_class = Config.task_classes[task_name] return task_class( task_name=task_name, flow_name=flow_name, parent=parent, task_id=task_id, dispatcher_id=dispatcher_id )
[docs] @classmethod @requires_initialization def is_flow(cls, node_name): """Check if given node is a flow by its name. :param node_name: name of the node to be checked :return: True if given node is a flow """ return node_name in cls.flows
[docs] @classmethod @requires_initialization def is_task(cls, node_name): """Check if given node is a task by its name. :param node_name: name of the node to be checked :return: True if given node is a task """ return node_name in cls.task_classes
[docs] @classmethod @requires_initialization def has_storage(cls, task_name): """Check whether the given task has assigned storage. :param task_name: name of a task :return: True if given task has assigned storage (either rw or readonly) """ return task_name in cls.task2storage_mapping
[docs] @classmethod @requires_initialization def has_readonly_storage(cls, task_name): """Check whether the given task has storage in read-only mode (results are not saved). :param task_name: name of a task :return: True if the given task has assigned readonly storage """ return task_name in cls.storage_readonly
[docs] @classmethod @requires_initialization def has_readwrite_storage(cls, task_name): """Check whether the given task has storage assigned and results are stored. :param task_name: name of a task :return: True if the given task has assigned rw storage """ return cls.has_storage(task_name) and not cls.has_readonly_storage(task_name)
[docs] @classmethod @requires_initialization def get_starting_edges(cls, flow_name): """Get starting edges for a flow. :param flow_name: a flow name to get starting edges :return: starting edges for a flow """ if flow_name not in Config.edge_table: raise UnknownStorageError("No such flow in configuration: %s" % flow_name) start_edges = [(i, edge) for i, edge in enumerate(Config.edge_table[flow_name]) if len(edge['from']) == 0] if not start_edges: # This should not occur since selinon raises exception if such occurs, but just to be sure... raise ConfigurationError("No starting node found for flow '%s'!" % flow_name) return start_edges