Source code for selinon.errors

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ######################################################################
# Copyright (C) 2016-2018  Fridolin Pokorny,
# This file is part of Selinon project.
# ######################################################################
"""Errors and exceptions that can occur in Selinon code base."""

import json

[docs]class SelinonException(Exception): """Base Selinon exception in exception hierarchy."""
[docs]class UnsupportedCeleryError(Exception): """An exception raised when using unsupported Celery version."""
[docs]class FatalTaskError(SelinonException): """An exception that is raised by task on fatal error - task will be not retried."""
[docs]class UnknownFlowError(SelinonException): """Raised if there was requested or referenced flow that is not stated in the YAML configuration file."""
[docs]class UnknownStorageError(SelinonException): """Raised if there was requested or referenced storage that is not stated in the YAML configuration file."""
[docs]class ConfigurationError(SelinonException): """Raised on errors that indicate errors in the configuration files."""
[docs]class SelectiveNoPathError(SelinonException): """Raised when there is no path in the flow to requested node in selective task runs."""
[docs]class NoParentNodeError(SelinonException): """An exception raised when requested parent node (task/flow), but no such parent defined."""
[docs]class RequestError(SelinonException): """An error raised if there was an issue with request issued by user - usually means bad usage error."""
[docs]class UnknownError(SelinonException): """An error raised on unknown scenarios - possibly some bug in code."""
[docs]class Retry(SelinonException): """Retry task as would Celery do except you can only specify countdown for retry.""" def __init__(self, countdown): """Init retry. :param countdown: countdown in seconds """ self.countdown = countdown super().__init__(self, countdown)
[docs]class FlowError(SelinonException): """An exception that is raised once there is an error in the flow on runtime - some nodes failed.""" def __init__(self, state): """Make sure flow errors capture final state of the flow. :param state: final flow state """ super().__init__(json.dumps(state)) @property def state(self): """Get structured flow state.""" return json.loads(str(self))
[docs]class DispatcherRetry(SelinonException): """Force retry the whole flow - if flow arguments are provided, flow will continue where it was left.""" def __init__(self, keep_state=True, adjust_retry_count=True): """Retry dispatcher causing flow state to be reinspected. :param keep_state: the current state should be kept otherwise the whole flow will start from the beginning :type keep_state: bool :param adjust_retry_count: adjust flow retry count if needed, will cause flow failure once retry count reaches 0 :type adjust_retry_count: bool """ super().__init__() self.keep_state = keep_state self.adjust_retry_count = adjust_retry_count
[docs]class StorageError(SelinonException): """Raised to notify about storage errors (e.g. storage goes down)."""
[docs]class MigrationNotNeeded(SelinonException): """Raised when a migration is requested, but config changes do not require it."""
[docs]class MigrationSkew(SelinonException): """Raised if worker hasn't needed migration files.""" def __init__(self, *args, available_migration_version): """Instantiate and track info about migration skew. :param available_migration_version: """ self.available_migration_version = available_migration_version super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class MigrationException(SelinonException): """Base exception for migration related exceptions.""" TAINTED_FLOW_STRATEGY = 'UNKNOWN' def __init__(self, *args, migration_version, latest_migration_version, tainting_nodes=None, tainted_edge=None): """Instantiate base exception for migrations. :param args: additional arguments for base exception :param migration_version: the current migration version :param latest_migration_version: the latest migration version based on migration directory content :param tainting_nodes: nodes that run tainted flow :param tainted_edge: edges that tainted flow """ self.migration_version = migration_version self.latest_migration_version = latest_migration_version self.tainting_nodes = tainting_nodes self.tainted_edge = tainted_edge super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class MigrationFlowFail(MigrationException): """An exception raised when a flow should fail - i.e. migration causing tainting of flow should fail flow.""" TAINTED_FLOW_STRATEGY = 'FAIL'
[docs]class MigrationFlowRetry(MigrationException): """An exception raised when a flow should be retried - i.e. migration causing tainting of flow should retry flow.""" TAINTED_FLOW_STRATEGY = 'RETRY'
[docs]class CacheMissError(SelinonException): """An error raised when there is requested an item from cache that is not stored in cache."""
[docs]class ConfigNotInitializedError(SelinonException): """An error raised when the configuration was requested, but not initialized."""