Source code for selinon.executor.progress

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ######################################################################
# Copyright (C) 2016-2018  Fridolin Pokorny,
# This file is part of Selinon project.
# ######################################################################
"""Indicate progress and sleep for given time."""

from math import ceil
import sys
from time import sleep

[docs]class Progress: """Indicate progress and sleep for given time.""" _indicators = ('-', '\\', '|', '/') _current_indicator_idx = 0
[docs] @classmethod def indicate(cls, iterable, show_progressbar=True, info_text=None): """Indicate progress on iterable. :param iterable: iterable that is used to iterate on progress :param show_progressbar: if True, there is shown a simple ASCII art spinning :param info_text: text that is printed on the line (progressbar follows) """ for item in iterable: sys.stdout.write(info_text or '') if show_progressbar: sys.stdout.write(cls._indicators[cls._current_indicator_idx]) cls._current_indicator_idx = (cls._current_indicator_idx + 1) % len(cls._indicators) sys.stdout.flush() yield item sys.stdout.write('\r') # clear whole console line at the end sys.stdout.write("\033[K")
[docs] @classmethod def sleep(cls, wait_time, sleep_time, info_text=None, show_progressbar=True): """Wait and sleep for the given amount of time. :param wait_time: time to wait in this method in total :param sleep_time: time between periodic checks (parameter to sleep() function) :param show_progressbar: if True, there is shown a simple ASCII art spinning :param info_text: text that is printed on the line (progressbar follows) """ if sleep_time > 0: total_wait_time = int(ceil(wait_time / sleep_time)) for _ in cls.indicate(range(total_wait_time), show_progressbar, info_text=info_text,): sleep(sleep_time) elif wait_time > 0: sleep(wait_time)