Source code for selinon.system_state

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ######################################################################
# Copyright (C) 2016-2018  Fridolin Pokorny,
# This file is part of Selinon project.
# ######################################################################
"""Main system actions done by Selinon."""

from collections import deque
import copy
import datetime
from functools import reduce
import itertools
import traceback

from .celery import AsyncResult
from .config import Config
from .errors import CacheMissError
from .errors import DispatcherRetry
from .errors import FlowError
from .errors import StorageError
from .lock_pool import LockPool
from .selective import compute_selective_run
from .storage_pool import StoragePool
from .task_envelope import SelinonTaskEnvelope
from .trace import Trace

[docs]class SystemState: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Main system actions done by Selinon.""" # Throttled nodes in the current worker: node name -> next schedule time # Throttle should be safe with concurrency _throttle_lock_pool = LockPool() _throttled_tasks = {} _throttled_flows = {} _node_state_cache_lock = LockPool() @property def node_args(self): """Node arguments. :return: arguments for a node """ return self._node_args def _get_async_result(self, node_name, node_id): # pylint: disable=invalid-name,redefined-builtin """Retrieve async result, check cache first. :param node_name: a name of node for which async result should be checked :param node_id: id if node for which async result should be checked :return: Celery AsyncResult """ cache = Config.async_result_cache[self._flow_name] trace_msg = { 'flow_name': self._flow_name, 'node_args': self._node_args, 'parent': self._parent, 'dispatcher_id': self._dispatcher_id, 'queue': Config.dispatcher_queues[self._flow_name], 'node_id': node_id, 'node_name': node_name, 'selective': self._selective } with self._node_state_cache_lock.get_lock(self._flow_name): res = None result_retrieved_from_cache = False Trace.log(Trace.NODE_STATE_CACHE_GET, trace_msg) try: res = cache.get(node_id) result_retrieved_from_cache = True except CacheMissError: Trace.log(Trace.NODE_STATE_CACHE_MISS, trace_msg, what=traceback.format_exc()) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except Trace.log(Trace.NODE_STATE_CACHE_ISSUE, trace_msg, what=traceback.format_exc()) else: Trace.log(Trace.NODE_STATE_CACHE_HIT, trace_msg) if not result_retrieved_from_cache: try: res = AsyncResult(id=node_id) successful = res.successful() failed = res.failed() except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except Trace.log(Trace.RESULT_BACKEND_ISSUE, trace_msg, what=traceback.format_exc()) raise DispatcherRetry(keep_state=True, adjust_retry_count=False) from exc # We can cache only results of tasks that have finished or failed, not the ones that are # going to be processed (state will change). if successful or failed: Trace.log(Trace.NODE_STATE_CACHE_ADD, trace_msg) try: cache.add(node_id, res) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except Trace.log(Trace.NODE_STATE_CACHE_ISSUE, trace_msg, what=traceback.format_exc()) return res def _instantiate_active_nodes(self, arr): """Retrieve all async results for active nodes. :return: convert node references from argument to AsyncResult """ return [{'name': node['name'], 'id': node['id'], 'result': self._get_async_result(node['name'], node['id'])} for node in arr] @staticmethod def _deinstantiate_active_nodes(arr): """Store only id's of AsyncResults. Used before serialization so we get JSON. :param arr: array of nodes that are active in a flow :return: node references for Dispatcher arguments """ return [{'name': x['name'], 'id': x['id']} for x in arr] @staticmethod def _idxs2items(edge_node_table, arr): """For the given array, get all edges based on edge node table. :param edge_node_table: edge table to be used :param arr: a list of indexes to edge table :return: edges that correspond to the given index array """ # we keep only the index to edges_table in order to avoid serialization and optimize number representation ret = [] for i in arr: ret.append(edge_node_table[i]) return ret def __repr__(self): # noqa # Make tests more readable return str(self.to_dict()) def __init__(self, dispatcher_id, flow_name, node_args=None, retry=None, state=None, parent=None, selective=None): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments """Instantiate system state computation (called from Dispatcher). :param dispatcher_id: id of dispatcher for the current flow :param flow_name: name of the flow :param node_args: flow arguments :param retry: retry information :param state: current state (serialized, if any) :param parent: information about parent nodes :param selective: precomputed information about selective flow, if any """ state_dict = state or {} self._dispatcher_id = dispatcher_id self._flow_name = flow_name self._node_args = node_args self._parent = parent or {} self._selective = selective or False self._active_nodes = self._instantiate_active_nodes(state_dict.get('active_nodes', [])) self._finished_nodes = state_dict.get('finished_nodes', {}) self._failed_nodes = state_dict.get('failed_nodes', {}) self._waiting_edges_idx = state_dict.get('waiting_edges', []) self._triggered_edges_idx = set(state_dict.get('triggered_edges', {})) # Instantiate lazily later if we will know that there is something to process self._waiting_edges = [] self._retry = retry # TODO: fix this - for some reasons serializer uses strings in keys if self._selective: for flow in self._selective['waiting_edges_subset']: self._selective['waiting_edges_subset'][flow] = \ {int(k): v for k, v in self._selective['waiting_edges_subset'][flow].items()}
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Serialize current system state. :return: converted system state to dict """ return { 'active_nodes': self._deinstantiate_active_nodes(self._active_nodes), 'finished_nodes': self._finished_nodes, 'failed_nodes': self._failed_nodes, 'waiting_edges': self._waiting_edges_idx, # Convert to a list due to JSON serialization 'triggered_edges': list(self._triggered_edges_idx) }
@property def selective(self): """All edges that should be started selectively as computed by compute_selective.""" return self._selective def _get_countdown(self, node_name, is_flow): """Get countdown for throttling. :param node_name: node name :param is_flow: true if node_name is a flow :return: countdown seconds for the current schedule """ if is_flow: throttle_conf = Config.throttle_flows throttled_nodes = self._throttled_flows else: throttle_conf = Config.throttle_tasks throttled_nodes = self._throttled_tasks with self._throttle_lock_pool.get_lock(node_name): if throttle_conf[node_name]: current_datetime = if node_name not in throttled_nodes: # we throttle for the first time throttled_nodes[node_name] = current_datetime return None next_run = current_datetime + throttle_conf[node_name] countdown = (throttled_nodes[node_name] + throttle_conf[node_name] - current_datetime).total_seconds() throttled_nodes[node_name] = next_run return countdown if countdown > 0 else None return None def _get_successful_and_failed(self, reused): """Retrieve info about successful and failed nodes. :return: all successful and failed nodes in system from active nodes """ ret_successful = reused ret_failed = [] trace_msg = { 'flow_name': self._flow_name, 'dispatcher_id': self._dispatcher_id, 'selective': self._selective } new_active_nodes = [] for node in self._active_nodes: if node['result'].successful(): Trace.log(Trace.NODE_SUCCESSFUL, trace_msg, node_name=node['name'], node_id=node['id']) ret_successful.append(node) elif node['result'].failed(): Trace.log( Trace.NODE_FAILURE, trace_msg, node_name=node['name'], node_id=node['id'], what=node['result'].traceback ) # We keep track of failed nodes to handle failures once all nodes finish if node['name'] not in self._failed_nodes: self._failed_nodes[node['name']] = [] self._failed_nodes[node['name']].append(node['id']) # Retry/Fail if this node was marked as eager failure node eager = Config.eager_failures.get(self._flow_name, False) if eager is True or (isinstance(eager, list) and node['name'] in eager): Trace.log( Trace.EAGER_FAILURE, trace_msg, node_name=node['name'], node_id=node['id'], what=node['result'].traceback ) self._active_nodes.remove(node) raise FlowError(self.to_dict()) ret_failed.append(node['id']) else: new_active_nodes.append(node) self._active_nodes = new_active_nodes return ret_successful, ret_failed def _execute_selective_run_func(self, node_name, node_args, parent): """Execute selective run function so we know whether we need to re-run the given node. :param node_name: name of the node for which the selective function should be executed :param node_args: arguments that would be passed to desired node :param parent: information about parent nodes :return: None if node should be run, id of task that result's should be reused """ trace_msg = { 'flow_name': self._flow_name, 'dispatcher_id': self._dispatcher_id, 'selective': self._selective, 'node_name': node_name, 'node_args': node_args, 'parent': parent, } storage_pool = StoragePool(parent, self._flow_name) selective_func = Config.selective_run_task[node_name] result = selective_func(self._flow_name, node_name, node_args, self._selective['task_names'], storage_pool) Trace.log(Trace.SELECTIVE_RUN_FUNC, trace_msg, {'result': result}) return result def _start_node(self, node_name, parent, node_args, edge=None, force_propagate_node_args=False): """Start a node in the system. :param node_name: name of a node to be started :param parent: parent nodes of the starting node :param node_args: arguments for the starting node :param edge: edge that triggered node start, can be None for fallbacks """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments from .dispatcher import Dispatcher if Config.is_flow(node_name): start_node_args = None if force_propagate_node_args or Config.should_propagate_node_args(self._flow_name, node_name): start_node_args = node_args start_parent = None if Config.should_propagate_parent(self._flow_name, node_name): start_parent = parent selective = None if edge and edge.get('selective'): selective = compute_selective_run(node_name, **edge['selective']) kwargs = { 'flow_name': node_name, 'node_args': start_node_args, 'parent': start_parent, 'selective': selective or self.selective } countdown = self._get_countdown(node_name, is_flow=True) async_result = Dispatcher().apply_async( # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return kwargs=kwargs, queue=Config.dispatcher_queues[node_name], countdown=countdown ) Trace.log(Trace.SUBFLOW_SCHEDULE, { 'flow_name': self._flow_name, 'condition_str': None if not edge else edge['condition_str'], 'foreach_str': None if not edge else edge.get('foreach_str'), 'selective_edge_conf': None if not edge else edge.get('selective', False), 'child_flow_name': node_name, 'dispatcher_id': self._dispatcher_id, 'child_dispatcher_id': async_result.task_id, 'queue': Config.dispatcher_queues[node_name], 'countdown': countdown, 'child_selective': selective, 'selective': self._selective, 'node_args': start_node_args }) else: kwargs = { 'task_name': node_name, 'flow_name': self._flow_name, 'parent': parent, 'node_args': node_args, 'dispatcher_id': self._dispatcher_id } countdown = self._get_countdown(node_name, is_flow=False) async_result = SelinonTaskEnvelope().apply_async( # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return kwargs=kwargs, queue=Config.task_queues[node_name], countdown=countdown ) Trace.log(Trace.TASK_SCHEDULE, kwargs, { 'task_id': async_result.task_id, 'queue': Config.task_queues[node_name], 'condition_str': None if not edge else edge['condition_str'], 'foreach_str': None if not edge else edge.get('foreach_str'), 'selective_edge': False, # always False as we are starting a task 'countdown': countdown, 'selective': self._selective }) record = { 'name': node_name, 'id': async_result.task_id, 'result': async_result } if node_name not in Config.nowait_nodes.get(self._flow_name, []): self._active_nodes.append(record) return record def _fire_edge(self, edge_idx, edge, storage_pool, parent, node_args): """Fire edge - start new nodes as described in edge table. :param edge: edge that should be fired :param storage_pool: storage pool which makes results of previous tasks available :param parent: parent nodes :param node_args: node arguments :return: list of nodes that were scheduled """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-branches,too-many-locals started = [] selective_reuse = [] trace_msg = { 'nodes_to': edge['to'], 'nodes_from': edge['from'], 'flow_name': self._flow_name, 'foreach_str': edge.get('foreach_str'), 'condition_str': edge['condition_str'], 'parent': parent, 'node_args': self._node_args, 'dispatcher_id': self._dispatcher_id, 'selective': self._selective } nodes2start = None if self._selective: if edge_idx not in self._selective['waiting_edges_subset'][self._flow_name].keys(): Trace.log(Trace.SELECTIVE_OMIT_EDGE, trace_msg) return [], [] nodes2start = self._selective['waiting_edges_subset'][self._flow_name][edge_idx] if 'foreach' in edge: iterable = edge['foreach'](storage_pool, node_args) Trace.log(Trace.FOREACH_RESULT, trace_msg, {'result': iterable}) # handle None as well if not iterable: return started, [] for res in iterable: for node_name in edge['to']: if nodes2start and node_name not in nodes2start: Trace.log(Trace.SELECTIVE_OMIT_NODE, trace_msg, {'omitted_node': node_name}) continue if self._selective and node_name not in self._selective['task_names'] \ and not Config.is_flow(node_name): selective_run_func_result = self._execute_selective_run_func(node_name, res, parent) if selective_run_func_result: Trace.log(Trace.SELECTIVE_TASK_REUSE, trace_msg, { 'task_name': node_name, 'task_id': selective_run_func_result }) selective_reuse.append({ 'name': node_name, 'id': selective_run_func_result, 'result': self._get_async_result(node_name, selective_run_func_result) }) continue if edge.get('foreach_propagate_result'): record = self._start_node(node_name, parent, res, edge, force_propagate_node_args=True) else: record = self._start_node(node_name, parent, node_args, edge) started.append(record) else: for node_name in edge['to']: if nodes2start and node_name not in nodes2start: Trace.log(Trace.SELECTIVE_OMIT_NODE, trace_msg, {'omitted_node': node_name}) continue if self._selective and node_name not in self._selective['task_names'] and not Config.is_flow(node_name): selective_run_func_result = self._execute_selective_run_func(node_name, node_args, parent) if selective_run_func_result: Trace.log(Trace.SELECTIVE_TASK_REUSE, trace_msg, { 'task_name': node_name, 'task_id': selective_run_func_result }) selective_reuse.append({ 'name': node_name, 'id': selective_run_func_result, 'result': self._get_async_result(node_name, selective_run_func_result) }) continue record = self._start_node(node_name, parent, node_args, edge) started.append(record) return started, selective_reuse def _run_fallback(self, failure_node, combination): """Evaluate fallback condition and run fallback iff condition is true. :param failure_node: failure node that should be evaluated :param combination: combination of failed nodes :return: triplet started - records about started nodes, should_continue - True if other fallbacks can be run, skip_failure_node - true if the current failure node should be skipped in this fallback run (preserves infinite deps) """ traced_nodes_arr = [] # compute affected nodes for node in combination: if node[0] not in self._failed_nodes.keys(): # this means that some fallback was previously run and some node in the combination was already handled return [], True, True traced_nodes_arr.append({'name': node[0], 'id': self._failed_nodes[node[0]][0]}) trace_dict = { 'flow_name': self._flow_name, 'dispatcher_id': self._dispatcher_id, 'nodes': traced_nodes_arr, 'selective': self._selective, 'fallback': None } should_continue = True skip_failure_node = True started = [] affected_nodes = set() for idx, fallback in enumerate(failure_node['fallback']): trace_dict['fallback'] = fallback trace_dict['condition_strs'] = failure_node['condition_strs'][idx] if not failure_node['conditions'][idx](StoragePool({}, self._flow_name), self._node_args): Trace.log(Trace.FALLBACK_COND_FALSE, trace_dict) continue # preserve infinite loops when no fallback is run due to condition evaluation - proceed to next failure node skip_failure_node = False Trace.log(Trace.FALLBACK_COND_TRUE, trace_dict) # we will run some fallback, remove affected failed nodes from failed_nodes for node in combination: affected_nodes.add(node[0]) Trace.log(Trace.FALLBACK_START, trace_dict) if fallback is True: continue for node_name in fallback: record = self._start_node(node_name, parent=None, node_args=self._node_args) if node_name not in Config.nowait_nodes[self._flow_name]: started.append(record) else: # wait for fallback to finish in order to avoid time dependent flow evaluation should_continue = False # clean nodes for which a fallback was run for node_name in affected_nodes: self._failed_nodes[node_name].pop(0) if not self._failed_nodes[node_name]: del self._failed_nodes[node_name] return started, should_continue, skip_failure_node def _compute_and_run_fallback(self): """Run fallback in the system. :return: fallbacks that were run """ # we sort it first to make evaluation dependent on alphabetical order ret = [] failed_nodes = sorted(self._failed_nodes.items()) # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks for i in range(len(failed_nodes), 0, -1): for combination in itertools.combinations(failed_nodes, i): try: failure_nodes = Config.failures[self._flow_name] failure_node = reduce(lambda n, c: n['next'][c[0]], combination[1:], failure_nodes[combination[0][0]]) except KeyError: # such failure not found in the tree of permutations - this means that this # flow will always fail, but run defined fallbacks for defined failures first continue while True: fallback_run, should_continue, skip_failure_node = self._run_fallback(failure_node, combination) ret.extend(fallback_run) if not should_continue: return ret if skip_failure_node or not all(node[0] in self._failed_nodes.keys() for node in combination): break return ret def _update_waiting_edges(self, nodes): """Update waiting edges (edges that wait for a node finish) based on nodes that finished. :param nodes: nodes that will trigger edges. """ res = [] for node in nodes: for idx, edge in enumerate(Config.edge_table[self._flow_name]): if node['name'] not in edge['from']: continue if idx in self._waiting_edges_idx: continue if node['name'] in Config.nowait_nodes.get(self._flow_name, []): continue if self._selective and idx not in self._selective['waiting_edges_subset'][self._flow_name]: continue res.append(node) self._waiting_edges.append(edge) self._waiting_edges_idx.append(idx) return res def _extend_parent_from_flow(self, dst_dict, flow_name, flow_id, key, compound=False): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals """Compute parent in a flow in case of propagate_parent flag. :param dst_dict: a dictionary that should be extended with calculated parents :param flow_name: a flow name for which propagate_parent is calculated :param flow_id: flow identifier as identified in Celery :param key: key under which should be result stored :param compound: true if propagate_compound was used """ def follow_keys(d, k): # pylint: disable=invalid-name,missing-docstring if not compound: # A key is always a flow name except the last key, which is a task name with list of task ids for m_k in k: if m_k not in d: d[m_k] = {} d = d[m_k] return d # If we have compound, the key to list of task is flow name. # This will allow to use conditions as expected. # e.g.: # {'flow1': {'Task1': ['task1_id1', 'task1_id2'], # {'Task2': ['task2_id1', 'task2_id2']} if flow_name not in d: d[flow_name] = {} return d[flow_name] def push_flow(s, p_n_name, flow_result, k): # pylint: disable=invalid-name,missing-docstring for n_name, n_ids in flow_result[key].items(): if not compound: shallow_k = copy.copy(k) shallow_k.append(p_n_name) s.append((n_name, n_ids, shallow_k)) else: s.append((n_name, n_ids, k)) res = dst_dict async_result = self._get_async_result(flow_name, flow_id) stack = deque() push_flow(stack, flow_name, async_result.result, deque()) while stack: node_name, node_ids, keys = stack.pop() if Config.is_flow(node_name): for node_id in node_ids: push_flow(stack, node_name, self._get_async_result(node_name, node_id).result, keys) else: dst = follow_keys(res, keys) if node_name not in dst: dst[node_name] = [] for node_id in node_ids: dst[node_name].append(node_id) return res def _start_new_from_finished(self, new_finished): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals """Start new based on finished nodes. :param new_finished: finished nodes based on which we should start new nodes :return: newly started nodes """ # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks,too-many-branches new_started_nodes = [] selective_reuse = [] if len(new_finished) == 1 and not self._active_nodes and not self._finished_nodes: # propagate arguments from newly finished node if configured to do so if Config.node_args_from_first.get(self._flow_name, False): self._node_args = StoragePool.retrieve(self._flow_name, new_finished[0]['name'], new_finished[0]['id']) for node in new_finished: # We could optimize this by pre-computing affected edges in pre-generated config file for each # node and computing intersection with waiting edges, but let's stick with this solution for now edges = [] for waiting_edges_idx, edge_table_idx in enumerate(self._waiting_edges_idx): # we have to store index to edge table, but inspect possible edge fires only in waiting edges if node['name'] in self._waiting_edges[waiting_edges_idx]['from']: edges.append((edge_table_idx, self._waiting_edges[waiting_edges_idx])) for i, edge in edges: from_nodes = dict.fromkeys(edge['from'], []) for from_name in from_nodes: if from_name == node['name']: from_nodes[from_name] = [{'name': node['name'], 'id': node['id']}] else: from_nodes[from_name] = [{'name': from_name, 'id': n} for n in self._finished_nodes.get(from_name, [])] # if there are multiple nodes of a same type waiting on an edge: # # A B # \ / # \/ # C # # A: <id1>, <id2> # B: <id3>, <id4> # # Compute all combinations: (<id1>, <id3>), (<id1>, <id4>), (<id2>, <id3>), (<id2>, <id4>) # for start_nodes in itertools.product(*from_nodes.values()): parent = {} storage_id_mapping = {} for start_node in start_nodes: if Config.is_flow(start_node['name']): compound = Config.should_propagate_compound_finished(self._flow_name, start_node['name']) if Config.should_propagate_finished(self._flow_name, start_node['name']) or compound: parent = self._extend_parent_from_flow(parent, start_node['name'], start_node['id'], 'finished_nodes', compound) else: parent[start_node['name']] = start_node['id'] storage_id_mapping[start_node['name']] = start_node['id'] # We could also examine results of subflow, there could be passed a list of subflows with # finished_nodes to 'condition' in order to do inspection storage_pool = StoragePool(storage_id_mapping, self._flow_name) try: condition_result = edge['condition'](storage_pool, self._node_args) except StorageError as exc: Trace.log(Trace.STORAGE_ISSUE, what=traceback.format_exc()) raise DispatcherRetry(keep_state=True, adjust_retry_count=False) from exc if condition_result: records, reused = self._fire_edge(i, edge, storage_pool, parent=parent, node_args=self._node_args) new_started_nodes.extend(records) self._triggered_edges_idx.add(i) selective_reuse.extend(reused) else: Trace.log(Trace.EDGE_COND_FALSE, { 'nodes_to': edge['to'], 'nodes_from': edge['from'], 'condition': edge['condition_str'], 'flow_name': self._flow_name, 'parent': parent, 'node_args': self._node_args, 'dispatcher_id': self._dispatcher_id, 'selective': self._selective }) node_name = node['name'] if not self._finished_nodes.get(node_name): self._finished_nodes[node_name] = [] self._finished_nodes[node_name].append(node['id']) return new_started_nodes, selective_reuse def _start_and_update_retry(self): """Start the flow and update retry. :return: new/next retry """ new_started_nodes = [] selective_reuse = [] Trace.log(Trace.FLOW_START, {'flow_name': self._flow_name, 'dispatcher_id': self._dispatcher_id, 'queue': Config.dispatcher_queues[self._flow_name], 'selective': self._selective, 'node_args': self._node_args}) for i, start_edge in Config.get_starting_edges(self._flow_name): storage_pool = StoragePool(self._parent, self._flow_name) if start_edge['condition'](storage_pool, self._node_args): records, reused = self._fire_edge(i, start_edge, storage_pool, node_args=self._node_args, parent=self._parent) self._triggered_edges_idx.add(i) new_started_nodes.extend(records) selective_reuse.extend(reused) else: Trace.log(Trace.EDGE_COND_FALSE, { 'nodes_to': start_edge['to'], 'nodes_from': start_edge['from'], 'condition': start_edge['condition_str'], 'flow_name': self._flow_name, 'parent': self._parent, 'node_args': self._node_args, 'dispatcher_id': self._dispatcher_id, 'selective': self._selective }) # Update here so the strategy has correct new_started_nodes without nowait new_started_nodes = self._update_waiting_edges(new_started_nodes) return new_started_nodes, selective_reuse def _continue_and_update_retry(self, previously_reused): """Continue with the flow based on previous runs. :return: tuple describing newly started and reused nodes by selective run """ new_started_nodes = [] selective_reuse = [] fallback_started = [] new_finished, new_failed = self._get_successful_and_failed(previously_reused) if new_finished or new_failed: # Instantiate results lazily self._waiting_edges = self._idxs2items(Config.edge_table[self._flow_name], self._waiting_edges_idx) self._update_waiting_edges(new_finished) new_started_nodes, selective_reuse = self._start_new_from_finished(new_finished) # We wait until all active nodes finish if there are some failed nodes try to recover from failure, # otherwise mark flow as failed if not self._active_nodes and self._failed_nodes: fallback_started = self._compute_and_run_fallback() if not fallback_started and self._failed_nodes: # We will propagate state information so we can correctly propagate parent and failed nodes in # parent flow if there is any # We use JSON in order to use result backend with JSON configured so objects are not pickled state_dict = self.to_dict() state_info = { 'finished_nodes': state_dict['finished_nodes'], 'failed_nodes': state_dict['failed_nodes'] } raise FlowError(state_info) return new_started_nodes, selective_reuse, fallback_started
[docs] def update(self): """Check the current state in the system and start new nodes if possible. :return: retry count - can be None (do not retry dispatcher) or time in seconds to retry """ fallback_started = [] if not self._active_nodes and not self._finished_nodes and not self._waiting_edges and not self._failed_nodes: # we are starting up started, reused = self._start_and_update_retry() else: started, reused, fallback_started = self._continue_and_update_retry([]) while reused: # We do not need to retry if there are some tasks that we can continue with started, reused, fallback_started = self._continue_and_update_retry(reused) self._retry = Config.strategies[self._flow_name]({ 'previous_retry': self._retry, 'active_nodes': self._active_nodes, 'failed_nodes': self._failed_nodes, 'new_started_nodes': started, 'new_fallback_nodes': fallback_started, 'finished_nodes': self._finished_nodes }) return self._retry